
Agile vs Waterfall

Agile Methodology vs Waterfall Methodology Which is better for your Project?

  Agile Methodology vs Waterfall Methodology: Which is better for your Project? The popularity of standard waterfall techniques for creating applications is swiftly decreasing as newer Agile strategies are progressively implemented. So just exactly what are these techniques, and which is superior? Waterfall Methodology The waterfall method has each stage in a manufactured product’s life […]

Life As A Manager: 3 Ways To Get the Best Out of Your Team

Motivating your team is one of the most crucial components of your role as a leader in your business. But boosting your workers’ productivity and keeping them efficient can be a full-time task in itself. So, as a manager, how can you get the best out of your team? Here are the three top tips […]

Kanban Board Tip No. 5: Reviewing Completed Work

As any good manager knows, a team’s work doesn’t end when a task or project is completed. Once a task is finished, this is the perfect opportunity to use the gift of hindsight to look back and see where your workflow or the team’s performance could be improved. This is another issue a kanban board […]

Kanban Board Tip No. 4: Measuring Your Workflow Performance

When it comes to keeping projects on track and on budget, it’s integral to continuously improve the workflow used to complete tasks. One way to achieve improvement is to measure your workflow’s performance through the use of a kanban board. Examining the performance of your workflow can help identify problems and bottlenecks before they occur. […]

Kanban Tools Tip No. 2: How to Collaborate

Up next in our kanban board tips series are a few helpful hints to help you collaborate with team members once you’ve established your board. As we mentioned in our previous post, a kanban board system is a simple way to visualize your workflows and quell the chaos that often clouds projects. “Kanban” is the […]